Consider Waterproofing Before Finishing

Waterproofing & Finishing

Are you finishing a wet basement? A basement waterproofer from Basement Systems, our sister company, should be consulted first. Fill out our Free Estimate form, and we'll put you in touch with your local contractor.

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Never Disregard a Water Leak in your Basement Prior to Finishing

One of the most daunting challenges about finishing a basement is managing existing moisture and flooding in the space. If you have a damp or wet basement, then sooner or later, whatever organic materials you store in the space are going to be ruined.

Basement Systems Maryland can help you plan a finished basement that won't leak and will manage potential floods and humidity. Call or e-mail them today for a free, no-obligation basement design quote! They serve the Maryland area, including Takoma Park, Laurel, Greenbelt, Hyattsville, Aberdeen, New Carrollton, Westminster and nearby.

Even if your basement has never flooded before, the threat of a flood is ever-present in a basement. Groundwater is only half of your problem- there's also a wide variety of potential plumbing failures throughout your home.

And when water floods upstairs, it's going to flow downstairs-- right into your finished basement.

You can protect your finished basmeent, starting now. Follow these two simple steps to make sure your basement looks beautiful-- and stays that way.

Waterproofing and Finishing Your Basement in Maryland

Flooded basement mess from finished space in Cumberland

Flooded Finished Basement

The Total Basement Finishing System uses only waterproof products when we remodel your basement. However, what you put in your basement after it's finished could stil be damaged..

Step 1: Waterproof the Basement

Basement water means big problems for your finised space. Flooding and humidity will lead to mold, rot, and odors in the space, which ruins the space as a comfortable living area. Even an ocassional flood can leave lingering problems, and mold can begin to grow in as little as 24-48 hours.

If your basement has ever flooded, you can be sure it's going to again. And even if your basement finishing products are waterproof, not everything you put in your finished basement will be.

What you can do:

A dy basement will be ready for finishing. Otherwise, you may be building a major problem that will emerge later on down the road. Call or e-mail us today to get a free basement finishing quote!

Quick Tip: When you waterproof your basement, follow up with a basement dehumidifier. Choose one that's self-draining and energy efficient, and your home will be dry, odor-free, and much more comfortable.

Installing a refinished basement system at a home in Frederick

Professional Basement Finishing

Our basement finishing system is designed with waterproof materials in mind. Because of this, we include a mold resistant and/or waterproof written warranty with each of our products.

Step 2: Use Waterproof Basement Finishing Products

Even with a basement waterproofing system in place, your basement will easily flood if there's an issue with your plumbing. And with so much plumbing in your home, that kind of an issue is just be a matter of time.

Avoid using any organic materials in your basement finishing system. Organic products are susceptible to mold and moisture damage, and they can become irreperably damaged in a flood. Materials such as fiberglass use dyes in their products are also susceptible to staining, as these dyes will seep forward and stain their cloth covering

Organic Materials Found
in Finished Basements

Carpet Cloth/String Drywall & Greenboard
Wood Leather Glues & Adhesives
Latex Paint Paper Products Fiberglass Dyes & Resins

The Total Basement Finishing System, installed by Basement Systems Maryland in the Maryland area, uses only inorganic materials in their basement finishing system. Each of their products includes a written warranty for mold and moisture damage resistance, and the walls and flooring are completely undamaged by water. Don't wait to get started on your basement finishing- call or contact us online today for a free basement finishing quote!

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